Thursday, November 16, 2006


I have started putting my pictures (as opposed to photos) on ArtWanted. Take a look. (click here) It's kind of a weird website in that it has its own community. As soon as you upload a picture you get comments from other artists: this is because there are people who take this terribly, terribly seriously: if they comment on your work you are likely to comment on theirs - the more comments you get the higher rating you get, the more likely you are to appear on the front of the website, the more people see your work, the more people comment on your work etc. The problem is I haven't liked many other people's work. Therefore although I've received some nice comments from some people, I absolutely loathed some of the art those people put up on the site, and I'm far too polite to say: "thanks for the nice comment, but your paintings are shite". The cynic in me says they probably hate my work anyway, but don't care if it gets them comments. Hmmm. maybe I should go and congratulate someone on their shit.

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