Sunday, December 17, 2006

Party season

Friday evening was interesting. First I went to a retirement do for David Green, retiring Chief Executive of Cripplegate St Lukes. Lots of people there, including my old boss from LVSC days, and various others I was pleased to see, and one or two less pleased. Also a noticeable absence of some strategic Islington people who I expected to see there. Mind you I left at six so they could have come later. But good luck to David who is one of the most laid back people I've ever met. Nice to see his leaving present was several cases of wine.

The reason I left early was to join K at her work's Xmas party. An interesting experience: by the time I arrived they has all been drinking for over 4 hours - I'd had a glass and a half of wine. I don't think it would be wise for me to post the photos and film of K singing "American Pie" with her colleagues around the karaoke machine (I DO want to say married after all!). K said earlier that NOTHING would get her doing karaoke, and was quite sure she would not. There must be some interesting formula for different people and exhibitionism: how many glasses of wine does it take YOU to stand up and make an idiot of yourself? K's level proved to be quite high (not a cheap date), and seems to be roughly the equivalent of how much do you have to drink to be chucking up later on? My own level's probably a bit lower, but I'm also a bit shyer in front of people I don't know. Under those circumstances I believe the graph would have shown that I would have reached the 'unconscious' phase before the 'get up and sing' phase. Fortunately I started later, and therefore never quite managed to catch up.

I'll have to try harder.

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