Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fred never got too warm

As I say, this all happened over twenty years ago. During the summer driving the transit around London it often got very hot. On many days it would reach close to, or even more than, 90ºf. On these hot sweaty days in central London traffic I would be sitting in the van in a pair of shorts. Often with my t shirt off, and nearly always with the door wide open. Fred, however would be wearing his suit. And his tie, and his waistcoat, and his parka. On really hot days he might take off his parka (I can still see him neatly folding it and placing it on the floor by his feet), but he would never, ever take off his jacket. As I sweltered in heat approaching 100º wearing only a pair of shorts, I asked Fred why he didn't take his jacket off, as it was so hot. "Oh, I once did, Dave. I was with the wife down at the seaside, and she said 'go on Fred, take off your jacket'. So I did, and I caught a chill. I'm not doing that again." It was hard to argue with this logic. And probably pointless. You don't reach the age of 63 having reached the career height of 'van boy' and take advice from some idiot 23 year old in shorts.

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