Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Fred Pratt was real

So here's a photo of him

It occurred to me that anyone reading this stuff may think I am making it all up, so here's a photo of Fred. It was actually taken in Aylesbury the day we went to Fred's brother's house (or not - see episode one below). This was just after we found out Fred's brother didn't live there. I got back into the van and picked up my camera - an old Russian SLR I used to use - and took a picture of Fred through the window.

What the picture shows is I was wrong about the waistcoat (my memory is fading) it was a v-necked sweater. But you can see the suit, the tie and the parka. You can also see a copy of that day's paper sticking out of his inside pocket. Fred would buy the paper to look at the racing tips for the day. But more of that later.

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