Monday, October 30, 2006

Pardon my French

Today I have been learning how to put accents and stuff on my writing. It turns out that it is very simple to change my UK keyboard into a French keyboard - except of course the letters are all printed in UK stylee on the keyboard, so I have to get a visual 'keyboard' on screen. Which given my arduous typing is pretty hard: I normally look at keyboard and screen, now I will have to look at keyboard, screen and keyboard on screen. But anyway, let me practice:

Bonjour, je m'appelle Gary. C'est très difficile de utiliser le clavier français; parce que lettres certains est dans positions différante sur le clavier: par exemple, le m est où la ; devrait être et le q et où la a devrqit être etcetera et c'est très difficile de trouver les signes de ponctuation.

Enough of that. I had to change the keyboard back to English to find a full stop. Maybe that's why French sentences seem so long. It's especially the a and the q that do my head in. The m isn't much better.

Anyway, here's a nice I took picture of the Tate modern (even if I say so myself), which I think I mentioned we went to yesterday. They are having this amazing exhibition of fun slides at the moment. But is it art? probably not, but looks fun. J was very disappointed that the queues were too long for her to have a go. A picture on the left of the slides. Wheeeeeeeeeee!

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