Sunday, October 15, 2006

A Walk on the Heath

Heath Pond
Originally uploaded by Gary Socrates.
K and I went for a nice walk today on the heath. It was a lovely mild, sunny autumn day. We started at Southend green and meandered up to Kenwood. We stopped by the pond at Kenwood and watched people feeding the ducks and swans. Then we saw a rat. K was convinced it was not in fact a rat, but a water vole. It looked like a rat to me, but K stuck to her guns and explained it was a not rat but a water vole to a couple with their young son, who were impressed with K's knowledge of wildlife. We wondered then up to Kenwood house, and had a cup of tea in the cafe, and a look at the new shop there which sells interesting stuffed toy animals and things. Including books. Including a guide to the wildlife of Britain, with photos. Including a very clear photo of the 'water vole' - or rather, the common rat - Rattus Norvegicus (as Stranglers fans will remember). We walked back home across the heath, imagining the happy couple we met describing how they'd seen a water vole at Kenwood.

Anyway, here's a photo. And more on my flickr site, including a picture of the 'vole'.

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